Saturday, September 13, 2008

Be yourself

hmm... today in our youth services that so great my pastor shared something about living life confidently... it is so close to my heart where a lot of things happened lately and a lot of things needed make decision by my own and thought of a lot aspect before making the decision... alot of times that i might not confident in myself where the messages had shown me how great God is making us so unique and no one ever can replace us...our character and attitude are none other yourself having it... that's where i enjoyed my working life now...moving on from the serious broke up where a lot ppl said it is good thing... where i think back is true that i can do my own thing and serve God truely with all my heart and mean while search for the right one...wuahaha...

one of the songs that touch my heart so deeply is none other from casting crowns - who am i
the lyrics goes like this....

who am i
that the lord of the earth
would care to know my name
would care to feel my hurt

who am i
that the bright and morning star
would choose to light the way
for my ever wandering heart

not because of who i am
but because of what you've done
not because of what i've done
but because of who you are

i am flower quickly fading
here today and gone tomorrow
a wave tossed in the ocean
a vapor in the wind
still you hear me when i'm calling
Lord, you catch me when i falling
and You told me who i am
i am Yours

who am i
that the eyes that see my sin
would look on me with love
and watch me rise again

who am i
that the voice that calm the seas
would call out through the rain
and calm the storm in me

something great where i learned to be more patient and see things more optimistically... nothing cannot be solve...just that you need to have faith and know that all things are possible for our saviour - Jesus!!! be i definitely know there will be a breakthrough in my family and definitely the problems in my family can be solve...

1 comment:

That's Ron said...

hey man...

Long time no see!! remember me ?